Chiara Ferraù

Fuggirà, Luna scomparirà
The night falls, silence, The darkness, breathes quietly, Just the moon will be awake, It will cover us with silver, It will shine from the great sky, Just the, moon will be awake, The moon of the night, Will sweetly, protect us, The moon of the night, Will sweetly protect us, The night falls, and it is there, It reigns over the whole sky, It will watch us with kindness, Illuminating the evening, It will watch us with kindness, Illuminating the evening, The moon will not be awake, It will flee, The moon will vanish
4 comentarios:
Me encanto, a vi a todo calor. Tienes harto talento...
Me encanto, a vi a todo calor. Tienes harto talento...
Qué linda la xilografía, y el poema también
hermoso el poena.. y la cara luna es hermosa.. esos colores que les diste le dio un toque unico
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